In gobritannia live after a study seven million people with job under one "extreme financial stress", from the wages to life, is becoming more and more difficult for many
In the great britain, there is no hartz iv, but of course the arguments equal when it comes to the unemployed. You should see yourself to get a job, then everything is fine. Especially as work, regardless of all conditions, is always better than not working, and performance is always rewarded.
This gladly from conservative and liberal knitted ideology, which incidentally relies on flexibilization of the world of work, has increasingly difficulties in view of the growing army of the "working poor" to claim. The army of those grows, which have work, but thus do not make a lot to be able to live. Add to this the many atypical and badly paid employment procedures of part-time, temporary work and minijobs. And if this situation is not only given to prefabricated, but a long time, then it also expires the costly to the system-keeping promise for the most prolonged, that cheap work is the golden path to a better paid job.
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