Financing and support from the north for the opposition
The history of american influence in latin america is long. Mostly drugs are the occasion, but sometimes the ol, as in venezuela.
The united states are a mandrel in particular chavez ‘independent outdoor and olpolitik. Venezuela does not fug the us policy against colombia and has rejected both the list of own territory by the usa and a military district of colombia, the cooperation in bushs "anti-terroralian" denied and meant the afghanistan war "do not get terrorism with terrorism".
Chavez has evidenced the us economic prestige project, the free trade agreement for all latin america ftta / alca and relies on a starting of a continental alliance and cooperation with other countries of the suden. He has the opec — whose presidency venezuela held for a long time — again, again, recessed back-binding requests and the olp prices have risen.
Also chavez is a personal friend fidel castros and venezuela has led a far-reaching cooperation with cuba in the way. Not to be neglected is attributably the broadcast of the venezuelan project to other countries in latin america and the range of motion, which opened it especially for small countries.
After the us government’s victory hugo chavez ‘in the referendum around his dismissal on 15. August of this year with almost 60 percent recognized, many observers struck hope, there was a relaxation of the ratio between the two countries. But this acceptance lacks every basis. The us government continues to focus on blocking, sabotaging the transformation process under the government of chavez in venezuela and ultimately bringing to an end, the same means.
The involvement of the us in putschiste activities
According to the magazine newsweek cared for the putschists from 11. April 2002 already at least two months before regular contacts to the us embassy in venezuela. The new york times reports even several meetings of high-ranking functionaries of the bush government with leaders of the putschists over the past months. The newspaper refers to unproper official sources and indicates that the us exercises would never have been clear to the coup — there had been different views within the bush administration. But the us representatives agreed to remove the putschisten to remove chavez from the office.
Another us representative outside the new york times, but never cleared the putschisten to carry out the coup. The private intelligence agency stratfort explained, the attitude of the us government had been considered to be considered and that was also happening by the putschists. In addition, vice admiral molina and air force superst pedro soto, which were publicly occurred against chavez in february and also played an important role in the coup when paying 100 each.000 dollars over a bank account in miami overlooked.
Pedro soto was even a few days before the coup for several languages in the us. And even with the us president bush personally, the putschists should have contacted. As a communication channel, according to the washington post the "international republican institute", that is awesome about the sub-political line of the ruling party.
But the involvement of the us in the coup is quite far-reaching. As us ambassador for the bush administration was at the time charles shapiro in caracas. In 1999 he held the office of responsible for the cuba policy in the foreign ministry and before that he worked from 1983 to 1988 as a cia link in the us embassy in el salvador. During this wedding of the burger war, the us was involved in numerous actions dirty war driving.
At that time, cooperation between the venezuelan military intelligence service was disip and the cia associate exile cubans in salvadorian death swades support. Not quite random was shapiro in 1973, at times of the coup against salvador’s allende, even militarate surfaces of the us embassy in chile, so that his appointment to the ambassador in caracas was a bad omen. On 12. April was observed shapiro, as he laughed and the mochregengiktor carmona came out of the prasident’s palace. In the militar-based fuerte tiuna, on the outskirts of caracas, where chavez was also imprisoned at the beginning, there were two ranking us militars at the time. At least one of them, lieutenantman james rodgers, was always among the putschists. At the same time, the us credentials in colombia and in the caribbean were too operational.
The involvement in putschiste activities continued after the failed coup attempt. At the end of october 2003, the mps of the chavez party mvr (movement v. Republic) of the press a video in which officials of the oppositionally wanted city police of baruta and chacao with some employees from the us security company wackenhut and an employee of the us embassy, ex-army-colon corrri, to see. In the talks about "operation" and "discretion" it always goes around "the message" and the "ambassador". One of the aubert present attractive:
We can not run around and tell every corner that we are from the cia
constant dripping wears away the stone
Hightech war
Even after the failed coup, the us remained deeply involved in putschiste activities. A particularly explosive case is the company intesa (informatica, negocios y tecnologia, s.A.) since 1999, as the subcontractor of the state oil operation pdvsa, since 1999, since 1999 was stated in the pdvsa, as well as the often referred to as a strike of the entrepreneurs in december 2002 / january 2003, the aim of the overthrow of the chavez government would have.
The heaviest blow for the venezuelan economy was the paralyzing of pdvsa at that time. This succeeded primarily by the management levels and sabotage on the software of the computer-controlled company. The workers and many engineers who are not working on "strike" participants, the production manually launched, after isolating the individual areas from the computer network. For the computerized control systems, intesa was responsible, which controlled the entire information system of pdvsa.
Intesa was officially founded with a share of 40 percent of pdvsa and 60 percent of the us company science applications international corporation (saic), although pdvsa contributed the entire capital — the then pdvsa chairman luis giusti is ubwigen today consultants of the us prasident bush in erdol matters. To the chairman of intesa, roger brown was appointed, at the same time director of the global oil gas initiative, a department of saic was.
So who has access to the entire information of pdvsa and the control systems when saic intesa controls? For the answer a short look at saic. The company has an annual profit of about two billion dollars, 90 percent of them come from tolerated with the us government in the areas of defense and "information services". To the activities of saic obedience information management, development of weapon systems, effective innovation studies for weapon systems and technical expertise, such as the knocking on the twin towers.
Saic had also taken numerous tasks for the us army in the first war against iraq, works for nasa and is the developer for the computer science system of the us department of defense. So the management of saic in the usa is also prominently occupied. The chairman j. R. Beyster is a member of the 30-headed counseling rod for security in telecommunications, which also combines all intelligence directors. And in the lead of saic, the ex-us secretary of defense william perry and melvin laird, the former cia head john german and robert gates, max thurman, commander of panamain vasion and donald hicks, investigation chief of the pentagon. But also general wayne downing, ex-head of the us special special forces, general jasper welch, ex-coordinator of the national security council and bobby ray inman, former head of the same authority and cia.
Officially, the outsourcing of the control and information management served the cost savings, but they did not occur. In view of the saic company history, however, it is not surprising that the essential attacks on the computer control systems of pdvsa during the "petroleum" from intesa.
The strategy of slander
Another stress of the us government is the ideal discrediting and slander venezuelas. The procedure could come from a manual of psychological war performance and has been repeating itself for years: a spokesman for the us government raises the accusation of "support of terrorist groups" to the venezuelan government under hugo chavez, this complains that there are no evidence for the allegation and another us reprosenant makes a public repressible.
As well as the right colombian daily newspaper el tiempo at the beginning of november 2003, it reported that the us senate as part of the vote on the vur 2004 for the paying item for "foreign operations" given the us secretary of defense colin powell, in the event of a concretization of the evidence of support of the farc by venezuela’s government, to block the funds for cooperation with venezuela. This was the funds for the military cooperation as well as the drug and criminal title. The sum is not high, it is scated to about $ 25 million, but it is probably about the symbolic statement of the maaking. After complaints of the venezuelan ambassador in washington, adam ereli explained deputy speaker of the us state department, a few days later on a press conference:
The government has no plan to pick up the help to venezuela. We try to improve our cooperation with the venezuelan resist in the fight against drug trafficking and terrorism and we are in contact with diplomatic and police channels.
That sounded very different a few days before. The us government strongly supported itself on a 6 at its appearance in front of the senate. October 2003 in the newspaper u.S. News and world report under the title "terror close to home" published articles of the journalist linda robinson. This claims, among other things, chavez "flirt with terrorism, "thousands of passage to foreigners and support directly the colombian guerilla farc. Instead of presenting evidence, linda robinson calls only "official sources", which are naturally unnamed.
Powell called for the information of the article, said "serve" and wanted to hate some cia employees. The article had already been demonstrated by a variety of sides and simplified, the effect of hoarvan propaganda journalism of the linda robinson has already been placed blobed. Only a few days after the publication of the contribution, general benjamin mixon, operational leader of the command sud of the us army, explained, in whose area venezuela has fallen, opposite the daily newspaper the miami herald, that he "have no reason to believe that", he has no information about any information that any country of the region work together with terrorism. General james hill, head of the command sud, also explained he has no evidence that for the article by robinson languages. Similarly, roger noriega, state secretary in the affairs ministry of the western hemisphare and plilip chicola, also turned out to be director of the buros for andean affairs in the foreign ministry.
But john walters, the antiderogenzar of wieben house and a falke of us administration, claimed the opposite, although so far all premieges are obviously untenable. Most recently, a venezuelan in colombia had surfaced, which testified as a pilot of venezuelan vice-prassident jose vicente rangel on his command farc commands from colombia have flown out. Only a few days later, the witness founded by press and politics, as a spiritually confused valor, who had already tried several times in the past to get into the media with spectacular stories from the realm of imagination. But the report on the connections of the chavez government to the farc had already gone around the world, while the subsequent correct position landed in most editorials in the mulla.
Mostly staged a renewed campaign in september 2004, when the us state department liked the government venezuela’s government has financially supported the colombian guerilla, especially the farc, with at least one million dollars, also moving them weapons for the guerrilla by venezuelan territory. The message was immediately taken up by the venezuelan oppositional press, especially the daily newspapers el universal and el nacional.
A close look shows how simply such supposed truths are produced: the us state department called in the written explanation on an article of the stramm right daily newspaper "el nacional". This in turn on the state department in the new infusion of the message a few days later.
Already during his election campaign in 1998, hugo chavez was accused of working together with the colombian guerrilla, chavez was surprisingly in bogota of the colombian prosecutor, which only looked at him with coarse eyes, because nothing was present against him. The premieges raised in recent years, venezuela is an al qaeda surgical basis, proved to be a completely lush and the alleged close to chavez to saddam hussein and muammar al-gadaffi also fed to chavez’s entitlement visit in all opec countries after venezuela the prasidence of the organization of erdol demanded the states.
But the us government continues to work on venezuela medial for the classification in the "axis of evil" prepare. Most recently, she pointed to the alleged presence of cuban intelligence holder in venezuela. Evidence has not been submitted for this purpose.
The contribution is continued with a lighting of the structure of a contra and destabilization venezuelas.