Silver implies more than gold

The upcoming debt crisis leads to the silver boom?

If you have a certain amount of money available, you can not put them in two different plants at the same time. Either you decide for gold or for silver as a hedging instrument against american debt and the increasing decay of the us dollar. However, the investment decision should be taken mainly by the point of view to set to that noble metal, which has the highest increase in increase in increase. And this was allowed to be clearly silver.

Silver is scarcer today, as the noble metal is increasingly being in demand by the booming growth markets of china and india. Since the fundamentals of the silver market are different in turn than that of the gold market, the silver price should decouple with a strong correction of the gold price from the correlation to the gold. Although it is also for the silver a juffet potential to about $ 9, but a correction was allowed to be short duration if it takes place at all. Silver increasingly gains not only as an industrial metall and jewelry area becoming increasingly important, but above all as substitute food against the sick us dollar.

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The man who knew too little

The man who knew too little

All pictures: kinowelt film rental

A game of powers and coincidence: the psychotriller "unknown identity" bring hitchcock and polanski to berlin and schindler, hitler and stauffenberg on the same screen

Taxi drive in berlin, you know it, can be dangerous. Since the drivers take the way from the parisian place to tegel the way over the upper tree bridge — and then land in the spree. In berlin, the capital of the incremented and newfunden identities, the historical brackishment, is all possible. To the high chart also comes the subtle irony of a curious role constellation, which brings schindler, hitler and count stauffenberg together on the canvas.

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Removal of fundamental rights as a fight against right?

In bavaria, a coarse farm defends against planned compensation in the reconciliation law

Curtains in bavaria soon be illegal? This question is currently a lot of trade unionists in the free state. Together with burger rights organizations and opposition parties to the initiative, they rescued the freedom of assembly in bavaria.

The reason is a draft of the assembly law provided by the bavarian state government. With the folderalism reform these regulations are the same. The bavarian csu state government plays the pioneer with the presentation of a law draft. Even before the summer break, the new assembly law should be adopted.

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So that it does not come to blackout in germany

So that it does not come to blackout in Germany

Also the easter kraftwerk korneuburg acts as a cold reserve for the german electricity grid. © bwag. License: cc by-sa 3.0 / at

Due to energy market liberalization, germany has a stream market split between network operation and electricity market

In the past, the german electricity network was comparatively simple. On the one hand, the power generation was concentrated in a few coarse power plants and on the customer side were in addition to industrial users who partly have their own power plant capacity, a rough number comparatively small consumer distributed decentralized over the whole republic.

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The bolzplatz remains empty

For the retention of the online forum at the taz

You can keep from the taz, what you want, but one has to leave it: the internet term very fast. She was the first german daily at all with complete internet edition (1994), and also pursued a strategy of openness with the existing online reader forum for years

That was certainly not quite uninvigant, because you can also suppose the motive to strong the reader binding to the leaf. Without the solidarity of his readers, which is regularly strained by donation and abocomacagers, the sheet could not survive. But now the online forum has been closed. Why?

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Rusting control against cyber war?

Concepts for the occlusion of cyber wars are available — aming the political will is available

For it security, the end of 2009 was waited for surprises: one of the most important commercial representatives of the it security industry demands an open debate on the dangers of cyber wars, while the us and russia spells on cyber root control. Sabotage campaigns in cyberspace have become so dary of many actors that acting is notative.

Mcafee, according to its own "worldwide it security company", yields all yearly "virtual criminology report" out. In 2009, this report did not work for the first time with general it security ies and their criminal causes, but with government agencies and threats "as good as invited" cyber war.

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«Starwars»: yearning for a new and rounded totality

Film picture from the deminsts continuation of the saga "the awakening of power". Image: © lucasfilm ltd. Tm

The blockbuster saga has been a mirror of the time ie for 40 years, "new mythology" and a quantum consolation

Dark, deep blue, almost black lies the room in "starwars" open. Infinite. The fanfare of john williams’ title music sound, and the bias writing not only uses and pays the events in front of the action, but at the same time he misses the space in its width, in which he cursed to the illegible. Then, accompanied by a short string gauge, the camera pivots "below", what we first learn that moons after "above" climbing, and then the horizon of a planet is visible, which occupies the entire lower canvas part. So the open space is structured. Shortly thereafter, the perspective triangular spaceship darth vaders slides from above into the picture and quickly covers the complete upper canvas part.

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Europe’s night singing

The russian filmpet andrej tarkowski died 25 years ago — and hill the insights of a unusavienced

Smooth black hair, the face closed to the left hand, the look doubtfully directed into an imaginary distance: a russian stamp of 2007 shows the director grublerisch, as a heavy thinker. A souvenir in tristesse? Andrej arsenevich tarkowski, so his full name, died on 29. December 25 years ago in paris on cancer. He was only 54 years old; his films are considered timelessly terrific.

Seven works brought the master under the people, although he did not like the people as a mass of indiscriminate consumers:

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The surrounding streaks on biosprit the climate warming?

After an analysis, the emissions of nitrogen oxide have not been considered realistic, especially biosprit from rapeseed and corn are no substitute for fossil fuels in terms of air conditioning

The transition of gasoline on biosprit first appeared as a good remedy to reduce the submission of fossil fuel’s greenhouse emissions. But it quickly turned out that biosprit is not a panacea, but the state-subsidized — cultivation of plants for the production of fuels the monoculture, which requires coarse corporations and the increased use of dungemittels and the food prices in the high drives (oecd rugt biosprit- subsidies). In general, it is believed that the contribution of biosprit for the reduction of greenhouse gases is rather low. According to a new study, however, biosprit from rapeseed and corn should even cause more greenhouse gases than fossil fuels.

Biosprit is not the same biosprit. P. J. Cryption (max planck institute for chemistry), a. R. Moseier (mount pleasant, sc), k. A. Smith (school of geosciences, university of edinburgh) and w. Winwarter (austrian research centers, vienna) make in your article published in the magazine atmospheric chemistry and physics and can already be viewed online for an open discussion, focusing on the evaluation of biosprit so far the emission of nitrogen oxide (n2o ) was not considered sufficient.

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Frankenmotte: gentechnics should stop invasive shadling

Frankenmotte: Gentechnics should stop invasive shadling

Kohlschabe (plutella xylostella). Image: david mcclenaghan, csiro, cc-by-3.0

Plan to release transgenic cabbage dams ignore indications for your predictable failure

The cabbage is originally from the mediterranean and is now widespread worldwide. In the us, the invasive moth was first noticed in 1854. His life cycle is quite short at normal ambient temperatures with about two weeks. He can handle rough stretch with wind underlature and is very fruitful — in one year can consequence of 30 generations together, and, according to experts, with progressive climate change probably even more.

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