In addition to christian and social democrats, the wilders party seems to have lost votes — as winners are forecasting left liberals, postmaotists and other
In the great britain and the netherlands, the european elections took place yesterday. However, the official result should be announced on sunday night only on sunday night if the 26 other eu countries have also coordinated. In the netherlands, however, there were secondary lifts in which about 40.000 wahler, who came from the electoral cabins, were asked which party they gave their voice. Such surveys are considered more reliable than telephone surveys, but are still subject to a certain error detriment, because the respondents in their answers can give preference to the seemable wishes of frager before the truth.
If the read-out survey result from the netherlands correspond to approximately the actual result, it would be surprise: after that, not only the christian democrats (which abandoned from 20.1 to 15.2 percent), the ruling social democrats (which with 9.6 instead of before 12.1 percent behind the postmaoists land) and the green (which instead of 8.9 reaches more than 7.8 percent), but also geert wilders and its euro- and islamcritical party for freedom (pvv), whose vote of 17 12.2 percent decreases. Thus, the pvv only lands four — and not (as expected by many observers) in place.
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